Tag Archives: Ray Bradbury

What’s Beyond the NaNo Month

Every year thousands of us begin NaNo with the greatest of intentions. We’re going to write a novel. Okay, we’re going to get the first draft of what could sometime become a novel done. Also every year we have inspiring stories of people who have taken their NaNo stories and done something with them. Woo-hoo publication land!

I know many people write just to know that they can get the story out of their mind and onto the paper. That’s where I was last year. But what about if you want to get somewhere and need a community to help push you along?

Let me introduce you to the Write1 Sub1 blog. It’s a group inspired by Ray Bradbury and founded around the idea that once you write (and edit) then you have to take the risk to get it out the door.  This year a lot of talented people have pushed themselves for weekly or monthly goals. It’s amazing seeing what others have been doing and pushing myself to be more productive.

The group checks in at the blog but chatters over on the Absolute Write forums. Along the way on the forums someone suggested adding a year long novel challenge to the group.  So come November 1 we start!

So far we have 50 people who will cajole and console each other along through this next year. If you’re starting with NaNo, already working on something, or have plans for several novels this year come and join us.

Some have highly detailed plans and some of us just know we want to get it done. I’m in that second group. I know that being with this group will help hold my feet to the fire to keep working. And if I don’t succeed, they’ll be there with comforting words.

So come and join us as we kickoff our inaugural W1S1 novel year with NaNoWriMo and aim to finish with a novel! The “official” Novel sign up thread is on the Absolute Write Forums.

Come on in, sign up for Absolute Write, and prepare yourself for a year long novel writing challenge with inspiring and motivating people!

Nov 5 update – we’ve added a Novel discussion hub on the AW forums and we have a new badge. We’re getting very organized.


Filed under NaNoWriMo, W1S1, Writing, writing fiction

My Next Step

I just realized Story a Day has been done for a week. It was quite a heady month of writing, minimal editing, and being part of a pretty cool community. Since I was all talk at the beginning of the month about how well I expected to do, it’s only right that I come clean about the results.

My goal was 20 stories. I completed 14 stories,  3 stories took on a life of their own and their first drafts remain undone, and I put together 3 blog posts. I’m calling it a success.  The best thing is I have several pieces now ready to work on.

So the next logical step is to pick up my editing pen (the red one that doubles as the grade my children’s schoolwork pen) and get busy. But I know that all that editing won’t mean squat if I don’t have a push to submit so I joined Write 1 Sub 1 to give me the kick in the pants I need.

I even put their badge here on the blog to help hold me accountable!

The goal is pretty simple – get it on paper and get it out the door. I love the idea for the group “A year-long writing experiment in Ray Bradbury’s shadow.” Heck, anything Ray Bradbury and I’m in! After reading Sunday’s weekly roundup I’m inspired to get moving.

On the submitting side of things I discovered Duotrope’s Digest which I must say is just the thing I needed. Imagine a free, organized, searchable database of over 3400 publications. Amazing!

Well off to attack something with a red pen. Anybody ready to join me?

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Filed under Writing